News and Activities

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New award for Harbour Rise

New award for Harbour Rise

We are delighted to confirm that we have been awarded a new logo from we won the Top 20 Awards which means that we are recognised as one of the Top 20 care homes in the South West. The best thing about it is that we have won this award 5 years in a row!!



Valentine: Some more love to share with you following Valentine and some invaluable advice from our experienced residents!![dnxte_masonary _builder_version="4.24.0" _module_preset="default"...

Singing and Dancing

Singing and Dancing

Singing and Dancing with Amanda: last week we also enjoyed some singing and dancing. With half term, we also welcomed some of our residents’ grandchildren much to the delight of everyone!!

Keeping fit

Keeping fit

We also welcomed Mike, our personal trainer, who got us all going to keep as fit as possible.

Singing and Dancing this week!

Singing and Dancing this week!

We all enjoyed Amanda returning to our home to entertain us all. One of our lovely residents was sitting in the dining room in anticipation of Amanda arriving, saying: “I am here for Amanda”, he could not wait!



Here at Harbour Rise we LOVE our local community and are proud to be supporting The Paignton Community Larder.  This amazing food bank and low cost supermarket provide support to families and individuals suffering from poverty and crisis situations here in Paignton. ...

Harbour Rise Christmas Market

Harbour Rise Christmas Market

Harbour Rise Christmas Market Friday 24.11.2023: it was a lovely and very festive event, well attended, with lots of raffle prizes too. We received some very positive feedback and our residents were still talking about the “fab event” the next day! Thank you to all of...