News and Activities

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Harbour Rise Christmas Market

Harbour Rise Christmas Market

Harbour Rise Christmas Market Friday 24.11.2023: it was a lovely and very festive event, well attended, with lots of raffle prizes too. We received some very positive feedback and our residents were still talking about the “fab event” the next day! Thank you to all of...

Good Hydration is key!

Good Hydration is key!

Harbour Rise took part in a Hydration Project Competition with the NHS Torbay and South Devon and won the Gold Prize. The journey started early this year with our team being trained in the importance of hydration and the link to the importance of hydration and how...

The Unknown Soldier

The Unknown Soldier

I am so proud of the display our Day Care team and maintenance team has put together for 11th November. We were given the most gorgeous crocheted poppies which were hand made by a previous member of staff (Tracey made 300 of them!!!!) and Tracey brought them to us as...



We have enjoyed the festivities with our staff dressing up for the occasion and a few Halloween decoration bits here and there. It was quite funny to see some of us being dressed with rather wacky and unusual costumes – including wigs! – much to the delight of our...

Our Friendly Animals Returned!!

Our Friendly Animals Returned!!

What a treat to all of us to have the visit of our friendly animals! [dnxte_masonary gallery_ids="9428,9429,9430,9431,9432,9433,9434,9435,9436,9437,9438,9439,9440,9441" overlay_icon_color="#ffffff" _builder_version="4.22.2" _module_preset="default"...

Our Residents this week

Our Residents this week

Our residents enjoyed a bit of gardening and getting the flower pots winder ready! [dnxte_masonary gallery_ids="9409,9410,9411,9412,9413,9414,9415,9416,9417,9418" overlay_icon_color="#ffffff" _builder_version="4.22.2" _module_preset="default"...

Pam J

Pam J

congratulations to Pam for having reached a huge milestone: working at Harbour Rise for 30 years! Many Happy Returns!! [dnxte_masonary _builder_version="4.21.0" gallery_ids="9404,9405,9406" background_pattern_color="rgba(0,0,0,0.2)" background_mask_color="#ffffff"...